Membership of the Geneva Writers’ Group is open to anyone interested in developing their creative writing skills in English – whether beginner or experienced writer, not-yet-published, or published author.

Our workshops cover a wide range of skills, in both prose and poetry. Amongst the many subjects covered are: writing the essay, novel-writing, memoir, the short story, creative nonfiction, different poetic forms, flash fiction, and more.

In addition, we run workshops by guest instructors, invite literary agents to meet with members and assess their work, publish Offshoots, a biennial review of members’ works, hold literary salons in Geneva from time to time and organize the biennial and hugely-successful Geneva Writers’ Conference.

Application for membership is open to anyone who is eligible, as outlined in our Statutes.

Membership Eligibility

Membership is open at any time to all who wish to develop their creative writing skills. To become a member, one has to have paid annual dues of CHF 50.- (students and AVS CHF 40.-) valid for one year from the date of payment (online—see below—or in person at a workshop). Please note that membership fees all come due in September of the relevant year.

Membership Rights and Benefits

Encouragement and support are given to both beginning and published writers. Members of the GWG have the following rights:

  • to vote in the General Meetings
  • to be eligible to sit on the Steering and other GWG committees
  • to read at the critiquing workshops
  • to be eligible to participate in master classes
  • to register for consultations with agents
  • to submit work to Offshoots, Writing from Geneva, and other publications
  • to post publishing news and promote your work on the GWG Facebook page
  • to have access to mentoring and small group directories

For more information, contact us via email:

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